Cape Cod White Sand Beach Dunes

    Less is More

     An Occasional Newsletter from

      The New England School 

      of Homeopathy


     Summer Mode
      Summer 2013   
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Study with NESH 
in person:


The New England School of Homeopathy 

will likely be starting 

a new course on 

the West Coast in

early 2015 and a new course on the 

East Coast in either the fall of 2014 or 

spring of 2015


Exact locations and 

dates to be determined. 


Email us if you'd like more details when available. 

For additional information re: studying with 
Drs. Rothenberg
 and Herscu, view our
teaching schedule
Subscribe to our 
Distance Learning Program focusing on Cycles & Segments

Dear friends,


I am at the point in my practice where I have been treating some patients for nearly 30 years. There is nothing like it. I LOVE being involved with a patient and their family over decades. I am also increasingly having the opportunity to see patients whom I have not seen for many years. I love picking up the thread of where we left off, seeing how things have shifted in their lives or alternately, how very much they have stayed the same! I am inspired by the resilience of the physical body and also the spirit and at how people can emerge from difficult times, even very difficult times. 


I love that this kind of doctor/patient relationship and the nature of the homeopathic interview allow me to connect with my patients and that, more than maybe anything else, has my patients remember me, and come back to the clinic in times of need. How happy I am to have this livelihood, a word I love, because it embraces the idea of something that is lively, which practicing really is!

Amy & Paul dockside in North Carolina
Drs. Rothenberg & Herscu enjoying some 
dockside sunshine in North Carolina


I am in summer mode; more days off, relaxing, spending more time outdoors and listening and absorbing the sights and the sounds of nature. Sending you good wishes from sunny Amherst, Massachusetts hoping our paths cross soon.


 All the best,

     Amy signature

Amy Rothenberg ND

Materia Medica Meal: 
For those hungry for a little more.....
 Vipera, by Paul Herscu ND, MPH: 

Materia medica taught in NESH classes is presented in a concise and organized way 

 using the Cycles & Segments approach developed by Dr. Paul Herscu.  

This approach allows for an integrated study of homeopathy without the cumbersome 

memorization of long lists of individual symptoms. Read here for one such example. Enjoy!

Amy & Paul
September 20-22, 2013
This fall's class to focus 
on auto-immune disease
For all NESH alum, wherever you studied with us, please  join us for our fall clinical weekend at our home base in Amherst Massachusetts. We see patients all weekend and work on case analysis together, relevant comparative materia medica and the philosophical points that invariably arise with patient care. 
Clinical Class students are invited to enjoy dinner hosted by Amy & Paul at their home near Hampshire College, where the classes are held!


Ask us about paying for the classes via PayPal. 
For logistical information on our clinical classes, click here. 

A sultry, summertime remedy to remember

by Amy Rothenberg, ND DHANP Summer House Boat



I am blessed to work with a wonderful partner, to live under the same roof with a patient, sweet, and creative man. We share so much in this life: our �values, our love of children (our own and others), a passion for growing things, an interest in natural medicine, and sometimes... germs!


One summer a few years back, we both got a sad summer cold. I say sad because in New England, the warm pristine days of deep summertime are numbered, and losing even a handful of them to illness always seems a sad state of affairs.

NESH logo

Find a NESH trained practitioner near you.


We get calls & emails frequently from NESH alum and the pubic looking for a Cycles & Segments trained homeopath in a particular geographic area. And while we try to stay in touch with our alum, we do not always have current practice details. By creating this free directory, we hope to facilitate a prospective patient's ability to find NESH trained homeopaths practicing around the world. 


For our NESH Alumni:  To be listed in the directory, you'll need to be accepting new patients and using homeopathy as one of your treatment modalities.  Email us if you are interested in setting up a free listing.


For more information about our practice in Enfield, CT see: 


To schedule an appointment with Dr. Herscu or Dr. Rothenberg call 860.763.1225


Dr. Rothenberg is now accepting new patients via SKYPE.


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